到了星期六,法比尤斯終於讓每塊拼圖到位。「我想我們到此完成了,」開心地馬紹爾群島外交部長布魯姆(Tony de Brum)在週六上午這麼說。
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CORRECTS SPELLING OF HOLLANDE, NOT HIOLLANDE - United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, right, watches French President Francois Hollande hugging United Nations climate chief Christiana Figueres ... 較多CORRECTS SPELLING OF HOLLANDE, NOT HIOLLANDE - United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, right, watches French President Francois Hollande hugging United Nations climate chief Christiana Figueres after the final conference of the COP21, the United Nations conference on climate change, in Le Bourget, north of Paris, Saturday, Dec.12, 2015. Nearly 200 nations adopted the first global pact to fight climate change on Saturday, calling on the world to collectively cut and then eliminate greenhouse gas pollution but imposing no sanctions on countries that don’t. (AP Photo/Francois Mori) 較少